Facts about Gadaffi’s Bodyguards

"Facts about Gadaffi’s Bodyguards"

  1. Virginity

  All the girls of Gadaffi’s Amazonian guard are virgins and take a vow of   chastity when becoming bodyguards.

  2. Well Trained

  Gadaffi believes it is empowering for women to be his bodyguards. He   says, “Women should be trained for combat, so that they do not become  easy prey for their enemies.

  3. Hand-Picked 

  In spite of the fact that they are allowed to wear lipstick, jewellery,  polished nails, and even high heels, they are all trained killers and  hand-picked by gadaffi himself.

  4. Oath

   All of Gadaffi’s bodyguard girls swear an oath that they will give their  lives for him and it is claimed they never leave his side, night or day.

  5. Devotion

  In 1998 one of the girls was killed when Islamic fundamentalists in Libya    ambushed Gadaffi’s motorcade. The dead bodyguard threw herself across  the Colonel’s body to stop the bullets.

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