Name :  Sylvia NDUKA
Age :  20
Height :  180
Languages :  English & Igbo
Sylvia is the youngest of 5. She is currently a student and enjoys dancing, football and spending time with friends. Her main future ambition is to establish an NGO that will cater for less privileged children.
Tell us a little something about your Country ?
Nigeria is a peaceful country blessed with natural resources with place for tourism.
Future ambitions ?
I want to establish an NGO (non-governmental organisation).
Describe yourself
Pretty and hilarious.
Personal Motto?
Do your thing – there is no time.
Favourite food ?
My favourite foods are potatoes and eggs.
Favourite Music / Books ?
My favourite song is ‘African Queen’ by Tuface Idibia.
What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?
My most memorable day was paying a visit to an orphanage and having an impact on the children’s lives.
Special Talents ?
I can dance.
Any other interesting facts ?
Travelling and I really enjoy researching.

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